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Creators and publishers of general non-fiction and illustrated books in the UK

From its beginnings in the mid-1970s, Quarto has grown to become a global leader in illustrated non-fiction publishing. In all those years, the organisation’s mission has remained the same – to make and sell beautiful books that entertain, educate and enrich the lives of adults and children around the world. We have enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with Quarto.For many titles we have created jackets and sample spreads, while for others we have been responsible for the design and layout of entire books. In each case, our work must match and enhance the character and individuality of each title. 



Deliverables concept jackets and spreads, complete books

Tattoo Spreads_3.jpg
Tatoos spreads.2jpg.png
Careers in photography.jpg
1000 Birds.jpg
Bite sized science 2.jpg
Geo Stitch.jpg
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History of the Book.jpg
Prunning Bible.jpg
Decorating with Light.png
Mosaic Technique.jpg
Sacred Cyrstals Jacket 2.jpg
Sacred Cyrstals Spreads.jpg
Quarto spread.jpg
Lino Cutting_LINO Jacket 2.jpg
Lino Cutting_LINO_SPR.jpg
Lino Cutting_LINO_SPRDS.jpg
Decorators Guide.jpg
Decorators Guide_Spreads.jpg
Display 2.jpg
Woodwork WOWO_2.jpg
Woodwork WOWO_Sprds.jpg
Drink Culture.jpg
Drink Culture Spreads 2.jpg
Drink Culture Spreads.jpg
Green Interiors-Designing With
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Tye-Dye 1.jpg
Tie-Dye 2.jpg
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